Our Mission - To attract and retain a diverse and multicultural dues-paying membership that brings value to all retirees and spouses and to the corporation.
What does CRA do?
Like Chevron, we have officers as well as committees that conduct studies and evaluations of member concerns and make recommendations to resolve them through correspondence and periodic meetings with Company management. One of our primary services – directed specifically at you – is to be an advocate for you!
What has CRA accomplished?
All that sounds impressive – but there is something behind the hype! The Company and the Association have had a mutually beneficial relationship for all of 50+ years that there has been a CRA. The CRA has had the opportunity to assist the Company in the design of many discretionary benefits as well as being a key grass roots advocate and partner with Chevron to encourage direct communications with elected and regulatory officials, to support positions of Chevron on specific proposed legislation and regulatory rules. Some examples of these accomplishments are:
Discussions and positive reinforcement for the retirement health care plans for retirees, their spouses, and surviving spouses.
Cumulatively significant pension supplements over the years and making former pension supplements a permanent part of the annuity.
Communications include the quarterly CRA newsletter, Encore, and this website.
The Public Service Award program, funded by Chevron, recognizes community service.
Chevron Humankind gift matching program, which now includes grants for volunteer hours.
Tools such as the Survivor’s Guide and Advanced Care Planning booklets.
With the support of the Company, and in collaboration with MetLife, the CRA Dental Program was launched in 2008.
Why should I join?
As an employee, you knew you could turn to your local human resources representative for help. We are here to fill that role for you as a retiree.
Now that you are retired, have you experienced any, or maybe all, of the following concerns and wondered where to turn?
Where do I go to get help to resolve benefit issues?
I don’t qualify for the company’s dental insurance.
I have Chevron stock but have no idea what is happening at Chevron.
How do I get in touch with people I worked with?
Chevron is a big employer; how can I support their initiatives?
While we may not be able to resolve all of your questions and concerns – we can help. Join a chapter of the CRA. Some benefits of membership include:
Direct contact with members of the CRA Benefits Committee who can help you resolve your benefits problems.
Eligibility for the CRA Dental Plan
Social functions such as luncheons, group trips, picnics to keep connected with fellow retirees.
Newsletters keep you abreast of changes in the company’s business plans and matters of interest.
How do I join?
We’re ready when you are – just click the Join Us page to complete the registration form. Your information will be directed to a CRA Chapter or Area Vice President based on the zip code you provide.
If there isn’t a chapter near your home, you can join the Global Affiliates by contacting Glenn Ewan at (281) 693-5461 or email
We have a number of members who live abroad and stay in touch by joining Global Affiliates.
Join us and become an active participant in the Chevron Retirees Association!