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Chevron Retirees Association

Are you one of over 38,000 retirees of Chevron or one of its predecessor companies – Gulf, Texaco, Unocal, Caltex or one of the other companies that have become part of Chevron?   If you are, we’d like to introduce you to the Chevron Retirees Association (CRA). We were formed in the early 1970s as a non-profit, unincorporated association of autonomous chapters to promote the interests and welfare of all retirees, their spouses, and surviving spouses.  Our chapters are located throughout the US, two in Western Canada and one – Global Affiliates– devoted, exclusively, to members who live in areas not covered by the other chapters.  We work diligently to accomplish our mission through social interaction, education, communication and advocacy of mutually important issues.

What does the CRA do?

Like Chevron, we have officers as well as committees that conduct studies and evaluations of member concerns, and make recommendations to resolve them through correspondence and periodic meetings with Company management. One of our primary services – directed specifically to you – is to be an advocate for you!

Senior Man Working from Home

What has the CRA accomplished?

All that sounds impressive – but there is something behind the hype! The Company and the Association have had a mutually beneficial relationship for all of the 40+ years that there has been a CRA. The CRA has had the opportunity to assist the Company in the design of many discretionary benefits as well as being a key grass roots advocate and partner with Chevron to encourage direct communications with elected and regulatory officials, to support positions of Chevron on specific proposed legislation and regulatory rules. Some examples of these accomplishments are:


  • Discussions and positive reinforcement for the retirement health care plans for retirees, their spouses and surviving spouses.

  • Cumulatively significant pension supplements over the years and making former pension supplements a permanent part of the annuity.

  • Communications including the quarterly CRA newsletter, Encore,  and our website –

  • Public Service Award program, funded by Chevron. that recognizes community service.

  • Chevron Humankind gift matching program, which now includes grants for volunteer hours.

  • Tools such as the Survivor’s Guide and Advanced Care Planning booklets.

  • With the support of the Company, and in collaboration with MetLife, the CRA Dental Plan was launched in 2008.

Officers and Chairs 

Brad McCullough

(925) 348-6707 

Deborah M Semenick

(925) 372-6105

Patricia "Pat" Branson 
Jim Bonwell
Benefits Committee

(925) 997-6072

Rod Maier
Benefits Committee


Kevin Kelly
Budget & Finance
M J Stone
Central Meeting
Administration Committee

(602) 989-5197 (c)

Adrian D'Souza

(925) 938-0214

Wanda Reves

(281) 543-0237

Kathleen G Henschel & Steve Hutchison
Membership Committee
Herb Farrington
Nominating Committee

(714) 904-5825

Mike Colvin
Planning & Research Committee

(925) 890-8515

Walt Gill
Public Affairs Committee

Association Past Presidents

John Dewes
CRA President 2001 - 2003

(925) 939-1988 

Charles A Rhoads
CRA President 2007 - 2009
Vic Revenko
CRA President 2011 - 2013

(415) 453-3679

Dennis Dauphin
CRA President 2013 - 2015
Mike Elgie
CRA President 2015 - 2017

(415) 472-5947

Kathleen G Henschel
CRA President 2017 - 2019

(415) 713-9979 (c)

Herb Farrington
CRA President 2019 - 2021

(714) 904-5825

Contact Us for more information.

Thanks for submitting!

This website is managed by the Chevron Retirees Association, which is not a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation but an independent organization of retired employees of Chevron or its predecessor companies.

© 2024 Chevron Retirees Association. All Rights Reserved.

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