Celebrating Life's Next Chapter

In addition to direct Chevron's benefits, there are many other benefits available to Chevron retirees. Some are only available to dues paying CRA members.
As a Chevron retiree, you may qualify for those benefits. For further information, check the Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) or call the Chevron HR Service Center at 1-888-825-5247.

We invite you to learn more about how for a nominal fee you can become a member of CRA through one of our many local Chapters.
As a retiree of Chevron or one of its predecessor companies – Gulf, Texaco, Unocal, Caltex – or one of the other companies that have become part of Chevron, you are eligible to join.

Encore is our quarterly newsletter published in January, April, July, and October. Along with the President’s letter to the members, you’ll find feature articles like Chevron News Briefs, Retiree Update, Benefits Corners and Tidbits, a collection of articles, excerpts, and items of interest taken from Chevron news releases.